"Una vez descartado lo imposible, lo que queda, por improbable que parezca, debe ser la verdad."

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014


Un ciclo evolutivo imaginario, ilustrado por Daniel Lee (*)

(Y, por mi parte, no tengo nada más que añadir, aunque bien que pudiera). 

(*) Known as Lee Xiaojing in Chinese, born in Chunking, China (1945) and raised in Taiwan. He moved to United States after he received his BFA in painting from College of Chinese Culture. Then he got his MA degree majored in Photography and Film from Philadelphia College of Art and worked as an Art Director in New York until the late seventies, at which point he changed to photography as a career. Within one and a half decades, he went through different stages in fashion, people to still life collage. Since 1993, computer technology allowed him to combine his various drawing, photographic and fine art skills in one medium.

5 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Que el hombre desciende del mono es vieja noticia. La pena es que haya algunos que desciendan tanto. Pero en fin, hay otros que lo compensan.

José Luis Piquero dijo...

No me parece imaginario sino bastante ajustado a lo que sabemos.

José Luis Piquero dijo...

No me parece imaginario sino bastante ajustado a lo que sabemos.

L.N.J. dijo...

Y la mujer ¿dónde está?.

Enrique Baltanás dijo...

Eso mismo me pregunto yo.